05 February 2007

I had a flashback to my first year of teaching the other day when I walked into the building, immediately greeted by a couple of 8th graders who were currently supposed to be in my class racing each other down the front hallways, and then into my classroom to find my kids running around chasing each other, fighting, garbage everywhere, desks and chairs strewn throughout the room, and the (COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE) sub sitting in the back corner, knitting. It took me about 15 minutes to regain control, but after an extremely stern lecture from Ms. Backes (VERY rare), I had my room cleaned, organized, and the kids looking properly chastised. But still -- I will admit it freaked me out a little. Sometimes Lord of the Flies hits a little too close to home, yes?


Things found in my room after 1/2 day with the sub:

-- pictures of someone's grandparents (next to my computer)
-- LABRYNTH on DVD (IN my desk!)
-- a scrap of paper that says "Dorfus Dippin Doodle" (in my gradebook)
-- garbage everywhere
-- good kids gone bad


Annie: Ms. Backes, is ran an adverb?
Me: Ran? No. It's a verb.
Annie: (whining) But it's in past tense!
Me: Um... true. But it's still a verb. Adverbs tell how you do something. So... how did you run?
Annie: By moving my legs.


Gina: I can't think of any more adjectives for dog!
Melusina: Are you writing a story about DOGS?
Gina: (very dignified) About a dog PRINCE.
Melusina: Oh, okay. That makes sense!


Dakota: Ms. Backes, are you double-jointed anywhere?
Me: No, I'm normal.
Dakota: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! NORMAL!


Every now and again, my 7th graders manage to bring me down to their level....

(Coming in from Hey-Don't-Push-Each-Other-In-The-Snow Duty)

Jerrod: Ms. Backes, did you get a sunburn?
Me: ...
Jerrod: Because your forehead's all shiny and your face is pink!

Okay, the pink cheeks can be explained away by the 12 degree temps outside this morning. The shiny forehead? Just embarassing.


Mrs. James: Kurt, go wash your face. It's all messy.
Kurt: Oh god! Do I have DONUT FACE???

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